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Welcome to JEF-Europe

JEF is an organisation of young people from all over Europe who share a vision of a united, federal and democratic Europe. It brings together people at local, regional, national and European level to campaign for a federal Europe based on the values of peace, democracy and the rule of law.We organise seminars, conferences, campaigns, street activities and lobbying activities to work for the goal of a European federation.

If you want to shape a positive future for Europe, join us!



Mama Merkel Keeps Sherpas Secret. JEF Demands Publication of Sherpa List

The European citizens are being excluded from one of the most important political processes in the EU. The list of high level bureaucrats (“Sherpas”) who will negotiate the road ahead for the Constitutional Treaty is being kept secret by the German government. JEF-Europe (Young European Federalists) strongly condemns Angela Merkel’s way of handling the debate on the future Europe.
“This is a threat to the democratic process of the EU. The list needs to be published” demands Jan Seifert, president of JEF Europe. [more]

List of Sherpas for EU Constitution Negotiations

International Seminar Berlin, 18-23 March 2007



Sushi for breakfast, Mbaqanga on your iPod, Hindi lessons and Quesadillas during lunchbreak, Qi Gong class in the evening and Arabic poetry on your bedstand. The children of globalization are manyfold: people move, people stay, people live. The global village is everywhere.

But what about identities, as they get carried across continents? How do we cope with them? And do the cultures interact, as they suddenly move closer? Do they clash as Huntington predicted? Or might there be a common ground? What is the role of religion in this process? Where do politics enter? And what part do I play - today and in the future?



Give a voice to the citizens of Belarus! JEF pan-European Public action 19 March 2007 - Join Us!



2006 this happend in 23 cities across Europe...

...2007 we need YOU to join us!


On the night between 18-19 March, JEF is coordinating a public action in support of the suppressed civil society inside Belarus. Just like last year, when statues in 23 cities across all of Europe - from Skopje to Edinburgh - were gagged and symbolicaly prevented from speeking, we will take to the streets together with youth and organisations in cities all across Europe. Jointly we can send a strong and clear message!

JEF would like to invite everyone to join us in this action against Europe’s last dictatorship – all it takes is some tape, a piece of paper and warm cloth! (more)


EU must lead the way in Energy Innovation



The Young European Federalists (JEF-Europe) welcome the Commission’s proposal for common energy restrictions, presented on the 10th of January 2007. The climate challenge clearly demonstrates the importance of European and international federal structures and common global solutions. However, the common restrictions must only be a first step towards clear internal energy policies within the EU



JEF Pan European action against visa in 20 European cities

On the day of the fall of the Berlin wall, 9 November, JEF took to the streets in 20 cities all across Europe to manifest against the current visa regimes dividing Europe in half. From Kosovo to Vilnius, manifestations against the costly, time consuming and often humiliating visa procedures took place in front of visa/Berlin walls that symbolized how visa creates new borders throughout Europe. 

All across Europe, on both sides of the visa wall On the streets and trough letters JEF demanded from Europe's leaders - let Europeans meet!

Read more about the action here and visit our picture gallery to see the pictures from across Europe!

The cost of failing to adopt the European Consitution

It is clear that there are severe consequences for democracy and efficiency inside of Europe if we fail to adopt the European Constitution, but now the Commission has also made a special study to estimate especially the political costs. Have a look at the Working Paper of this study and Margot Wallström's speech on the same topic from 22 November to learn more!


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