Resources and Useful Information
In these pages you can find useful Powerpoint presentations, downloads, and also an info-kit to help you start your very own section!!
For more information you can of course contact the Secretariat on
>>> InfoPool
Information on how to start your own section, organise a seminar, street actions, as well as useful information on how to deal with the Press, finances etc. Powerpoint presentations which you can use
>>> Presentations on JEF, our activities and positions
Powerpoint presentations which you can use to introduce JEF and what we do to your members!
>>> Archives of Presentations
Older presentations, interesting for those who want to see some JEF history!
>>> Useful Links
Websites of our partners and of general interest.
>>> Famous [and infamous] JEF seminars
Ventotene, Bardonecchia, Berlin. Enough said!
>>> Downloads