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JEF-Vienna Youth Exchange, 11.-18. December 2004

Dear friends,


The international youth exchange took place in Vienna from December 11th to the 18th.

Under the title "Minorities and Integration in Europe" we dealt with the problems of Integration and Minorities in the European Union. The exchangel focused especially on fighting racism and xenophobia. Beside the lectures, the exchange also included cultural events, a visit to the traditional Vienna Christmas markets and some other social highlights.


This seminar was organised by JEF-Vienna in cooperation with JEF-Austria. Further information upon request via:


All the best,


Daniel Gerer, chairman JEF-Austria

Julia Starnbacher, chairman JEF-Vienna



Bund Europäischer Jugend /

Junge Europäische Föderalisten (BEJ/JEF) Österreich Laurenzerberg / Auwinkel 2/2DG A-1010 Wien

Tel.: +43-(0)1- 253 7444-00

Fax.: +43-(0)1- 253 7444-99


Franco-German International Seminar, Strasbourg, France

The theme of the seminar this year was:


"L'Europe proche de ses citoyens: un rêve, une réalité, une illusion?

Ein bürgernahes Europa: Traum, Realität, Illusion?"


Thus, we tackled important issues such as the social Europe, the Common Foreign and Security Policy, the European Identity and the European Constitution.


JEFfers, politicians and academics gathered for one weekend together not only to discuss and debate about our common future in Europe, but also discover Strasbourg's unique Christmas atmosphere!

Arielle Rouby, Christian Klipfel and Nina Sattler: strasbourg(at) and nina.sattler(at)

Oostende Seminar and FC, Belgium 24.-31 October 2004



JEF-Europe (with the collaboration of JEF-Belgium) was pleased to organise the International seminar “Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management and Peace Building – Which European Contribution?” which was held from October 24-31, 2004 in Oostende, Belgium.


JEF Europe gathered participants from more than 30 European countries from different regions that range from far North to the Mediterranean.


The Federal Committee of JEF Europe met at the end of the seminar, from Friday 29 October until Sunday 31 October.


In this seminar, we presented a range of topics aimed at increasing the understanding of the ways international conflicts arise, how they can be prevented or managed, and the importance of the role of conflict recovery. In a number of case studies, we took a close-up view of a number of recent and current conflicts. How they are being dealt with at the moment can take us a long way in understanding the dynamics of conflict management in all other conflicts and in local communities.


In this context, it was worth looking at which type of answer the Europeans provide to both international and European conflicts. The contribution of the main European institutions, Council of Europe and European Union was discussed, as well as the answer emanating from military cooperation like NATO.


The seminar, included the following specific areas:

- the prevention of conflicts and violence (including everyday violence)

- the understanding and promotion of mediation and conflict resolution

- the intercultural dialogue and understanding with a view to conflict prevention (including the campaign of the Council of Europe against intolerance, racism and all other forms of discrimination with a view to greater social cohesion)

- conflict management and prevention on a local level (policy guidelines on the fight against violence in schools and the local community)


For the resolutions resulting from the FC click here.

The Malta Training Days, 01.-08 October 2004


The Malta Incubator, Malta - 01-10-04 to 08-10-04


JEF Malta, in cooperation with JEF Europe, organised the JEF Training days "The Malta Incubator - Competence Building for Generating Youth Work in Europe" in Sliema from 1.-8. October 2004


Advanced skills and knowledge are required to build and grow a new youth NGO. New JEF sections are very delicate in their early stages and it takes them a lot of time to develop into a sustainable section, capable of implementing YOUTH Programme projects.


For this reason, the Malta Incubator trained young and new JEF sections with the necessary knowledge, skills and international awareness in order to implement better-quality youth actions, especially through international cooperation such as new YOUTH Program projects.


Around 44 participants, including youth workers, trainers, mentors, youth leaders, and other actors involved in non-formal education from all regions of the continent, came together in Malta and nurtured in the “Malta Incubator” to exchange the necessary knowledge, skills and international awareness through non-formal activities together.


The comprehensive and fun training program is first of its kind to be organized by Maltese young federalists, and key skills and knowledge were shared through various working methods. The working program included a full day project simulation exercise, and training sessions on advanced skills such as project management, leadership, internal, external and international communications and innovation and thinking skills.


SEE Training Days, Neum, Bosnia 12.-16 September 2004

Dear JEFers,


From September 12.-16. we organized second SEE Training Days, this time in Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The beauty of this seminar is that it is organized as a co-operation of different sections in SE Europe. This year the most active sections in preparation of the seminar were JEF Slovenia, JEF Croatia, JEF Bosnia and Herzegovina and JEF Norway.


The seminar once again met the expectations of the participants and organizers. 38 mainly new-comers or inexperienced members of eight JEF sections learned about JEF, project management, managerial skills and they passed the media training. They were divided into 6 working groups, each

having a task to prepare a draft project proposal for future projects in the region. The topics of the working groups were:


- SE European EuroBus

- SE European Newsletter

- National Seminar

- Give Europe a Face Event

- Youth Exchange (YP Action 1)

- International Seminar (YP Action 5)


The groups came up with AMAZINGLY DEVELOPED and VERY USEFUL project proposals, which can be directly implemented in the respective sections or in the region in general! With this the seminar clearly showed the importance of problem-solving oriented approach at the seminar.


Furthermore, the participants were very motivated to work further on in JEF and evaluated the seminar as extremely interesting not only in an academic way, but also regarding the social activities.  Of course the tradition of preparing an International Evening on the boat while sailing in the Adriatic Sea and watching the sunset was again one of the most remarkable things of the seminar.



Here again, we would like again to thank everybody, who helped us to prepare an event, which definitely made the sections in SEE much stronger!



With best regards,


Katarina Grgas, president of JEF Croatia

Mitja Brus, president of JEF Slovenia



The seminar was funded by the Youth Programme of the European Commission and by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ventotene Seminar, Italy 4.-9 September 2004

XXI International Seminar on Federalism “Federalism from Europe to the World” in Ventotene, Italy, 4.-9. September 2004



Dear Friends,


The XXI edition of Ventotene Seminar “Federalism from Europe to the World” took place from the 4. -9. September 2004. more information on this event please visit:




If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at giovanni.biava(at)


With my best regards


Giovanni Biava

International Officer of JEF Italy

Moldova Seminar, 8.-16 August 2004

New Europe: Human rights’ issue in the new neighboring countries of the EU” in Moldova, 8.-16. August 2004


The summer seminar “New Europe: Human rights’ issue in the new neighboring countries of the EU”

wine.jpgtook place in Vadul-lui-Voda, a beautiful summer rest place, at only 20 km from the capital city Chisinau, starting from the 8th till the 16th of August 2004.


50 young people from all over Europe, aged between 18-28, young NGO-active, interested in the issue of human rights in the context of European enlargement participated in this seminar, which aim was to attract the attention of young people coming from different cultural and social backgrounds on the various aspects of human rights protection and to promote an open dialogue between them.


the Specific objectives of the seminar were:


- to inform young people about the problems that Europe is facing today with regard to human rights protection;

- give a comprehensive analysis of the various aspects of human rights protection (rights of minorities; freedom of expression and media; rights of immigrants; protection of the detained and imprisoned persons; the European legal framework for human rights protection; European Charter of Human Rights);

- in the last days of the seminar, discuss the current issues of the European enlargement, European Constitution and the Future of the European Union as such;

- create the feeling of an European Identity, by engaging the participants in various intercultural learning games, simulation games and working groups;

- make a positive image on Differences and Diversity, supporting the cultural exchange between the participants;

- combine the high level courses (taught by highly qualified academics, practitioners and representatives of the governmental agencies and foreign missions) with a wide range of working groups and simulation activities and an attractive social program (visit of one of the biggest wine-seller in Europe, sightseeing of the Capital City and of the historical sites of Moldova – all accompanied by traditional food and music);



For further information please do not hesitate to contact us at:


The Young European Federalists Moldova (JEF Moldova)

Puskin str.33/ 1A, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, MD- 2012

E-mail to: olesea_kovali(at); iachimov(at)

Tel: (+3737) 9438796; (+ 3732) 2 281006

JEF International Training Seminar "enGENDERing Europe" in Tromøya, Norway, 20.-25. June 2004

b_thefjords1.jpg JEF Norway, in cooperation with JEF Europe, organised an innovative, genderquestion-related, international seminar in Norway, June 20th-25th 2004.


Do gender perspectives concern politics, community life, organisations, and society in general at all? Why do we not have gender equality in all social settings today? And why dedicate a seminar only to gender related issues? These are some of the questions which were answered during our seminar.


An increased gender perspective and awareness is important in all organisations, as well as in every-day situations for most of us. We focused on gender aspects in integration and communication in organsiational work and in society in general. We had debates, discussions, and working groups to figure out if focus on genderquestions is a waste of time, or a neccessary developing factor in the society.


"enGENDERing Europe" was a challenging, thought-provocing and extremely interesting seminar on different gender questions!



Boskovice Seminar, Czech Republic 15. - 22 May 2004

JEF International Seminar “European Elections: The First Time in the Enlarged European Union” in Boskovice, Czech Republic, 15. - 22. May 2004



JEF Czech Republic, with the support of JEF Europe,organised the International seminar in Boskovice, Czech Republic.


Located in a wonderful historic and relaxing small town of Boskovice, middle Moravia, JEF Czech Republic  gathered participants from more than 45 European countries.


Participants were transfered from Prague to Boskovice by bus together. Experts from the Czech Republic discussed some key structural problems of the European integration today, especially about the upcoming EP elections, which will take place the first time in the Enlarged European Union. Also part of the international seminar was a large international conference including a round table discussion of top election candidates to the EP elections from the Czech Republic. In the afternoon, the participants were split into 6 working groups, which - led by renowned experts in the field of European integration –  discussed the hot issues of EU-integration.


The conference was closed with a dinner at Chateau Boskovice and an evening garden party. For the remaining part of the seminar, the participants joined the program of a large UEF conference in Prague. A collection of articles of around 150 pages about the conference will be available for 15 EUR.


The photos of this event can be found here.

Baku Seminar, Azerbaijan, 19.-25 April 2004


With the enthusiastic support of JEF Europe, JEF-Azerbaijan hold a seminar, titled "How to avoid coflicts in the Caucasus- European Cooperation as a Role Model" in Baku, together with 25 young people from different corners of Europe. This enabled all of us to discuss all the issue near the very shores of the wonderful Caspian Sea. This international seminar aimed to discuss the positive and negative aspects of the policies carried out in Caucasus in peace building, achieving economic prosperity and strengthening the national identities of the Caucasian people during last 15 years, to identify the role of Youth NGO’s for the future regional co-operation in the region of the South Caucasus as well as other important issues.While with the other eye participants were trying to glance at European experience on the very field.


Existing conflicts in the Caucasus are major obstacles for the development of economy and civil society in the region. The conflicts weaken every kind of co-operation between different Caucasian peoples and states. Without mutual co-operation and understanding the future prosperity of the region would remain a good dream. It is promising that in the region acting some national and international organisations that understanding this reality promote peace building. It is very important for those organisations to understand the nature of the conflicts in the region and work out effective approach. We, JEFers in Azerbaijan are also wishing to be part of peace-building process in our region and work out own approach using advanced experience. With this seminar JEF Azerbaijan showed that it had already started and obviously in the future will back up youth dialogue in the region.


Not only with the conception, but as well even with the "design" of the seminar we were giving messages to concerning future cooperation of once-conflicting states. In this sense, it was indeed impressive to greet a Greek participant who was studying currenty at Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. Participation of Katerina was clearly revealing that no single conflict lasts for eternity and even if there were faults in the past, we-young people are not guilty for that. And it is actually not even a question of being guilty. The bitter past shouldn't anyhow block our way towards cooperation in the fields of sport, culture, education, economy, and simply towards friendship.


And of course, we were not only discussing problems, but as well were enjoying an atmosphere of interculturalism. Nights were accompanied by non-stop music discos. As well Baku Tour and farewell party at "Old Baku Restaurant" were awesome.


Now sitting in the train, which is taking me from Zuerich to fribourg, where currently I am working on my research project, I am looking through the window to the fields of Switzerland, where so many diverse ethnic groups are living together. Don't you as well find it to be a good idea to get lessons for the Caucasus?


Vusal Mammadov


For photos of the event click here.



Trilateral Seminar in Paris, France 2.-4 April 2004

From 2.- 4. April 2004, a seminar on European elections took place in Paris. About 5O people coming from Germany, Italy and France participated. On behalf of JEF-France, I wanted to sum up for all JEF members the important moments of this seminar. The street action was particularly a success!

- Friday conference with UEF France: different officials of UEF ( Yves Lagier, President of UEF France, Bruno Boissière S-G of UEF) run a debate with Pervenche Berès, French MEP from the European Socialist Party, member of the Spinelli group, and running for the next elections.


- Working groups: They were two working-groups: one on the role of European elections within the constitutional process, the other on the European parties. Some good discussions took place: if some people are interested, please send me an e-mail and I will send you the reports of the working-groups as soon as they are ready.


- Saturday conference: Anna Lurhmann (German MP from the Greens), Alfonso Iozzo (President of the Spinelli Institute and the Italian MEF), Pierre Lequiller (French MP from the UMP), Jean-Louis Bourlanges ( French MEP from the EPP, ex-President of the French MEF, running for the next European elections).


- Street action: 103 people approved the appeal JEF adopted in the Barcelona FC ! This street action was a real success, as we had the chance to appeal to many people. JEF campaign to support the rapid adoption of the Constitution has been effectively launched last week-end. We hope to organize many street actions like these until June and encourage all JEF groups throughout Europe to do so as well!


- Final plenary: Jan Seifert (JEF Germany), Silke Kaul (JEF EB), Giovanni Biava (co-chairperson of the PC on the Constitution in the FC), Francesco Ferrero (JEF Italy), Jessica Pennet (JEF France). We insisted on the need to do an effective campaign to support the adoption of the Constitution on the basis of the Barcelona resolution, in the short time we have until June. This campaign in support the constitution can go along with the give-europe-a-face campaign. Within the campaign in support of the constitution, street actions based on the Barcelona appeal should be repeated. Lobbying national and European Members of Parliament to make them adopt the constitution is also a political priority. Indeed, this lobbying has already started in Italy, in Germany and in France, and we hope it will happen in many other countries. This lobbying is not that difficult: once you have managed to appeal to and convince a couple of MPs, the Barcelona resolution is likely to be spread out rapidly through the Parliament. We hope to have the national parliaments adopting the Constitution (why not on the 9th of May? It would be a great symbol) soon, to pressure the national governments to do so as well. Then, the need to start thinking of our actions after the Constitution is adopted was expressed. For instance, article 46 of the Constitution on the citizens’ legislative initiative could be used as a great tool for the progress of a federal Europe. Post-June seminars should focus on what we’ll do to use the (really not that federal) Constitution, that we hope to get in June, to make Europe progress on a federal way.


Reported by

Virginie Delaury

Vice-president of Les Jeunes Européens-France

33 rue Mathurin Régnier

75015 Paris


Barcelona Seminar and FC, Spain 21.-28 March 2004

JEF Europe organised the International seminar “Overcoming North-South divisions – An approach to the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation” held from March 21-28, 2004 in Barcelona, Spain.


JEF Europe gathered participants from more than 30 European and non-European countries including Marocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Palestine.


The Federal Committee of JEF Europe met at the end of the seminar, from Friday 26 March until Sunday 28 March.


For the resolutions of the FC click here 


Brezovica Seminar, Kosova, 26.-29 February 2004

International Seminar "EU Enlargement: Importance of Regional Youth Cooperation" - Brezovica, Kosova, February 26-29, 2004


Kosovo33.jpg The organization ”Federalistet e Rinje Evropiane” was founded in May 2003 at the initiative of a young group of Kosovar people and supported by the European organization “Jeunes Europeens Federalistes” The main aim for establishing our association was to create a structure able attract the young people in Kosovo around the idea of Europe as a Union between people and common goals. JEF Kosovo campaigns for Kosova’s integration within a newly structured European Union, one which is both effective and democratic and one which is able to deal with the challenges and rise to the opportunities provided by our new interdependent world. The aims of JEF Kosovo are to work for the creation of the European Federation, first step towards peace and for a freer, more just and more democratic federal society. JEF Kosovo is an autonomous youth organization which has no party political affiliation or commitments.


Young European Federalists of Kosova financially supported by Kosovar Foundation for Open Society organizes an international seminar "EU Enlargement: Importance of Regional Youth Cooperation" in Brezovica, Kosova, February 26-29, 2004. Brezovica is a popular mountain tourist resort on the northwest slope of mountain Sharr, situated in the South of Kosova where tolerance and multiethnic life taken place.



The goal of the seminar:

Development of new relations, exchange of experiences, operations and project management activities, settlement and maintenance of friendly contacts will apparently open up the way for newer joint activities and a long-term cooperation. This will strongly reflect the involvement of young people and, consolidated efforts towards promoting and implementation of civil society and European values related activities. At the moment there is, unfortunately, few contacts between Balkan region citizens. Distrust and hatred hinders contact between citizens from all societies and it is extremely difficult to open up contact. Its is of utmost importance that for those citizens willing to meet each other, communication channels are developed. Through this project we sincerely hope that such channel is established.


Objectives of the seminar:

- Involvement of new people, development of local activities, strengthening of organization identity, intercultural learning, human rights awareness, multiethnic based activities, creation of a strong regional network are some of the objectives meant to be achieved.

- Cooperation and future regional network building projects will improve our means of communication and involvement in regional level work on strengthening our sections in term of team building, education, and other field of operations related to our activities as well as an improvement impact in developing newer techniques and practices.

- Further more this event will gather different people, of diverse ethnicities, religions, from Kosovo and abroad which obviously serve as a chance to bring people close to each other, and to make them to think more about mutual characteristics rather than differences.


Contact organizers:

Young European Federalists / Jeunes Européens Fédéralistes

Federalistët e Rinje Europian

JEF Kosova

Bill Clinton Boulevard

KS-1100 Prishtina Kosovo/UNMIK

E-mail: jefkosova(at)

Tel.: +(377) 44 124 497

+(381) 38 541 411

+(381) 63 81 49160

Berlin Seminar, Germany 6-8 February 2004

UEF/JEF Training Seminar


“Reanimating the EU: Towards the Constitution and the EP-Elections”


Berlin, 6-8 February 2004





The European Union (EU) will soon witness a new historical step in its evolution - the enlargement. Unfortunately, the EU does not yet have a Constitution to provide it with a proper institutional framework to ensure the functioning of the enlarged Europe. The failure of the IGC to adopt a new Constitution and the up-coming elections for the European Parliament (EP) were the subjects of a three-day joint training seminar organized by both UEF and JEF that took place in Berlin (February 6-8, 2004).


The opening session brought together the positions of two generations of federalists on “The Importance of the EP-Elections in the light of the IGC failure”. Both Jo LEINEN (UEF President), on the one side, and Jon WORTH (JEF- President) and Francesco FERRERO (JEF-Italy Secretary General), on the other side, stressed the importance of the EU Constitution. While Jon WORTH’ s major concern was the quality of the Constitution, Jo LEINEN emphasized that deepening should take place before enlargement. Even more so, since the longer the negotiations might drag on, the worse the results may be. The debate, which included other subjects as well, was met with real interest and participation from the audience.


The second day’s meeting started with three parallel workshops on the topic of “EU 04: Big Challenges Ahead”. The parallel structure of the workshops gave the participants the opportunity to discuss in smaller groups issues related to the constitutional process, the role of the civil society in this context and the enlargement. A plenary session was organized to enable the participants to find out what had been discussed in the other workshops.


The afternoon session chaired by Lutz HAGER (JEF-D President), gathered the interesting views of Alfonzo IOZZO (President of Altiero Spinelli Institute), Alojz PETERLE (EP Observer, former Prime Minister of Slovenia), Andrzej BYRT (Ambassador of Poland), and Anna LÜHRMANN (MP Germany) on the re-launch of a Constitutional engine as an essential step towards a more democratic and effective EU. In his opening discourse, Alfonzo IOZZO underlined the importance of having a Constitution, particularly for the EU foreign policy. The Polish Ambassador was anxious to explain the position of his country during the IGC by referring to the fact that the Nice Treaty had been presented as a great success to the Polish population, even by the statesmen from the current member states. Therefore, the Polish opposition had given a clear mandate to the government not to give up Nice. According to PETERLE, a two-fold process was currently taking place. Firstly, the enlargement of the Union by the integration of the accession countries into the existing structures. Secondly, the unification of Europe by the constitutional process involving both the current members states and accession countries on equal terms, such as in the Convention.


The afternoon sessions ended with a debate on “Facing Europe: My Candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission”. Silke GEBEL (JEF-D Vice-President), chaired a panel of Andreas ACHTZEHN (Young Liberals), Tina LÖFFELSEND (Greens) and Heiko ROTTMANN (Young Conservatives). The speakers suggested candidates for the Presidency of the Commission that corresponded to their criteria for the position such as: Pat COX (EP President), Jean-Claude JUNCKER (Prime Minister of Luxembourg) and Joschka FISCHER (German Minister of Foreign Affairs). The main idea put forward was that the EU Commission needed a prominent figure that could be identified with it, just like SCHRÖDER with Germany and BERLUSCONI with Italy.


The last day of the seminar focused on the “Federalist Actions in 2004” and brought together the views of mostly JEF representatives. Ulla KALBFLEISCH-KOTTSIEPER (EUD Vice-President) held a speech focused on the current (dis)trust in institutions and the important role of political parties, providing alternative future strategies. Marianne BONNARD (JEF Secretary-General) introduced the audience the strategy JEF will adopt for 2004 in order to reach its objectives.


The highlight of the joint seminar’s last day was a Street Action carried out by JEF members on Potsdamer Platz aiming to inform the public about the up-coming EP elections and the Constitutional process.


- Florina Laura Neculai

Volunteer in UEF office

Brussels, Belgium

JEF Balkan training, Komotini, Greece, 10-15.January 2004



Active JEF members from Balkan and South East European sections and contact groups met and exchanged best practices on how to manage youth work in the region, especialy with the help of the YOUTH programme of the European Union.


The training took place in Komotini, Greece, from January 10-15, 2004.



Report of this meeting you can read here


This event was organised by JEF-Greece, with the support of JEF-Europe. It was supported by the Youth Programme, Action 5, under supervision of the Greek National Agency.


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