European Navigator
European NAvigator (ENA), a knowledge base dedicated to the history and institutions of a united Europe.
ENA provides a wide variety of multimedia documents (speeches, historical documents, photos, facsimiles, cartoons, sound and film clips, interviews, interactive maps and diagrams, etc.) organised chronologically and by subject area.
ICNYP is the International Council on National Youth Policy.
The first objective of the ICNYP is to encourage and enable all stakeholders, and most particularly youth, to participate in all aspects of formulating, implementing and evaluating national youth policy.
The second set of objectives of the ICNYP is to identify the priority problems facing youth and society, prepare proposals for solving those problems with the full participation of young people and their formal and informal structures and adopt, implement and evaluate a coherent sets of such proposals on national youth policy on a short, medium and long-term basis.
The third set of objectives is to exchange global information and research on national youth policy, promote the actual use of existing material on national youth policy, support new global studies of an intersectoral nature on national youth policy, set up an International Resource Service on National Youth Policy concerning global, regional and bilateral funding sources willing and able to finance national youth policy projects.
The fourth set of objectives is to convene an International Conference on National Youth Policy every two years for reps of Governmental Ministries responsible for Youth and Youth NGOs, set up an International Committee on National Youth Policy composed of reps of Governments and Youth NGOs,
hold training seminars on capacity building for national youth policy
provide an International Consortium on National Youth Policy composed of senior consultants and young associates to provide, on request from Governments and/or youth NGO platforms, advisory service missions to strengthen national youth policy. is a search engine for sources of financing on the national and international level.
UEF - Union of European Federalists
The Union of European Federalists (U.E.F.) is an independent and non-governmental, supranational organisation, dedicated to the promotion of a federal Europe. JEF is working closely with the UEF.
European Youth Forum
The European Youth Forum is an international organisation established by national youth councils and international non-governmental youth organisations to represent the interests of young people from all over Europe.
Futurum Website
The "Futurum" website is provided by the European Commission to act as a permanent gateway for information on the progress of the debate on the Future of Europe.
European Movement
The European Movement is an international organization open to all political, economic, social and cultural trends in civil society. Founded in the wake of The Hague Congress in 1948, its objective is to "contribute to the establishment of a united, federal Europe founded on the respect of basic rights, peace principles, democratic principles of liberty and solidarity, and citizens' participation".
Friends of JEF
Friends of JEF has been created by a group of former JEF activists in order to bring together a network to keep its members in touch with each other and to provide a resource for today’s JEF.